MtDNA U5b1

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Definierende SNP-Mutationen

Laut mtDNA tree Build 12 (20 Jul 2011) 1, 2. Coding region mutations (np 577-16023) in Standardschrift; control region mutations (np 16024-576) in kursiv.

                  • R: 12705 16223
                    • U: 11467 12308 12372
                      • U5: 3197 9477 13617 16192 16270
                        • U5b: 150 7768 14182
                          • U5b1: 5656

Laut 23andMe Labs Haplogroup Tree Mutation Mapper (Brian Naughton, 23 Sep 2011) 3. Defining mutations: variant call rCRS anc:

                  • R: rs2854122 12705 C; rs2853513 16223 C
                    • U: rs2853493 G 11467 A; rs2853498 G 12308 A; rs2853499 A 12372 G
                      • U5: rs2854131 C 3197 T; rs2853825 A 9477 G; i3001202 C 13617 T; rs2853503 13617 T; rs2857290 T 16270 C; i3001781 16270 C; i3001782 T 16270 C
                        • U5b: i3001901 T 150 C; rs41534044 G 7768 A; i3000652 G 7768 A; i3001263 C 14182 T
                          • U5b1: i1000002 G 5656 A; i3001475 G 5656 A
                          • subU5b1_01: rs28693675 16189 T; i4000587 16189 T

Subclade U5b1b1

Definierende SNP-Mutationen

Laut mtDNA tree Build 12 (20 Jul 2011) 2. Coding region mutations (np 577-16023) in Standardschrift; control region mutations (np 16024-576) in kursiv.

                            • U5b1b: 12618 - Example accessions: GU296644
                              • U5b1b1: 7385 10927 - Example accessions: GU296566
                              • Geschwister: U5b1b2
                                • mögliche Untergruppen: U5b1b1a, U5b1b1a1, U5b1b1a1a, U5b1b1d, U5b1b1b, U5b1b1e

Laut 23andMe Labs Haplogroup Tree Mutation Mapper (Brian Naughton, 23 Sep 2011) 3. Defining mutations: variant call rCRS anc:

                            • U5b1b: i3001126 A 12618 G
                              • U5b1b1: i3000617 G 7385 A; i3000968 C 10927 T
                              • Geschwister: U5b1b2
                                • mögliche Untergruppen: U5b1b1a, U5b1b1a1, U5b1b1b

Background information & papers

  • Haplogroup U5 (mtDNA): among the oldest mtDNA haplogroups. Estimated 50,000 - 60,500 YBP. Approximately 11% of total Europeans. U5b1 around 18000 years ago. U5b1b has been found in Fulbe and Papel people in Guinea-Bissau and Yakuts people of northeastern Siberia and also from from Saami (!) to Berbers. It arose around 11000 years ago.
  • Fu, Rudan, Pääbo, Krause 2012: Complete Mitochondrial Genomes Reveal Neolithic Expansion into Europe, PLoS ONE 7(3): e32473. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0032473 Dienekes - From 23 pre-Neolithic persons 83% had mtDNA HG U (61% U5)
  • Gignoux et al. 2011: Rapid, global demographic expansions after the origins of agriculture, PNAS doi:10.1073/pnas.0914274108 Dienekes - (maternal) population continuity from Mesolithic ancestry (contemporary western Europeans account for ≈15% of mtDNA U5a, U5b1, V, and 3H)
  • Malyarchuck et al. 2010: The Peopling of Europe from the Mitochondrial Haplogroup U5 Perspective, PLoS ONE doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0010285 Dienekes - U5b gene flow from central to eastern Europe more intense after the LGM, coalescence time estimate ~20–24 ky for U5b
  • Montiel-Sosa et al. 2005: Differences of sperm motility in mitochondrial DNA haplogroupnext term U sublineages, Gene Volume 368, 1 March 2006, Pages 21–27, Dienekes