Datenquellen GIS
- Geobrowser des Landes Südtirol: Export vieler Ebenen in Vektor- (SHP, DXF) und Pixeldateien (GeoJPG) - WebGIS. Die Projektion für südtirolweite Karten ist UTM 32N / ETRS89.
- Natural Earth: Public Domain raster + vector map data
- European Environment Agency: Elevation map of Europe (DEM)
- create Google Earth KML from custom data
Datenquellen & Tools Kartographie
- MapTiler Map Overlay Generator for Google Maps and Google Earth
- Maps-For-Free: relief maps + layers for google map
- Relief maps OSM
- Webmap Service of Europe Hillshade Europe
- shaded relief
- Shaded Relief Archive scanned manual shaded relief for use by digital mapmakers
- Ancient World Mapping Center Europe, North Africa and West Asia: Physical Geography
- OldMapsOnline Portal is an easy-to-use gateway to historical maps in libraries around the world
- GISpunkt HSR / Freie Geodaten
- SRTM 90m cgiar-csi V4.1 WMS eusoils.jrc
Kartierung & Visualisierung Software
- Google Earth
- Quantum GIS (QGIS)
- OkMap: Umwandlung von GeoJPG (jpg & jgw) in Google Earth Overlap (kmz) - Metric / UTM 32 N
- Liste von Open Source GIS Software (Live-System)
- KML and OSM
- OSM SlippyMap Generator
- GEOPosition: schnell Koordinaten u.a. Infos